The greatest Auntie I could have wished for!

Created by Jacob 3 years ago

Auntie Eileen, what can I say. I am totally heartbroken that you have gone - just far too soon.

The only small consolation is that your suffering is over and you have left us with some incredible memories - most of which took place around the dinner table! You sure could tell a tale (usually at least 70% true).

It's funny, sometimes you don't really know the significance of moments until they become memories. And yet so many moments that seemed simple at the time, have turned into memories of sheer joy as I look back: waking up on a Saturday morning in the 90s and watching Superman on yours & Alan's bed; every moment I caught you stealing crackling while Dad was carving the Roast Pork; the precise skill by which you "accidentally" managed to spray lemon at a waitress at our favourite restaurant (and make her cry); and of course your hilarious pet names for Uncle 'Petal' Alan. 

I hope you're at peace - wherever you are - and I'll be eternally grateful for perhaps the greatest Auntie I could have wished for!

Love, Jake 
